Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week #7 Reflections

Week #7 Reflection

Resources etc. I shared/participated in:
  • Twitter sessions this week were helpful.  I was especially grateful for the session that dealt with creating quality and engaging titles.  I enjoyed helping other students with their titles and then in turn received help with my own title.   I particularly enjoyed the conversation surrounding Jeffrey's title update.
  • I helped Karen understand the usefulness of Wordle and posted samples to help.
  • After several questions about I posted my own example so my peers could see how I had been using it to locate themes and ideas.
  • I suggested to "Berry" that she talk to her speech pathologist to look for games she could play that would help with listening and speaking skills.
  • The most significant thing I helped with was assisting Shauna with her proposal.  I sent her my own original proposal to let her use it as a guide to organize her paper correctly.  I emailed it to her. 
How did I intend these new resources to pact other' learning?  What impact did it actually make?
  • All of us were hoping to help each other improve our titles.  We came up with very good and more engaging titles.
  • Karen commented on Twitter that she understood how Wordle might work for her.  She even said that she was hoping to try it out.  I had shared my sample to give her a visual understanding of how a graphic organizer could help find trends and themes.
  • Several people commented on how they might use in the future to look for themes after they had seen the sample and understood how it could help.
  • I hoped to help "Berry" to get help from some of the other resources in her building to suggest games and ideas for her project.  Her response was that she does not have a speech pathologist in her building but might be able to find some others to help.
  • I have not heard from Shauna any response to the use of my sample proposal.  I can only hope that she has indeed used it as a template for ordering and organizing.
What will I do differently next week?
  • Not be in San Diego - I found it very hard to focus on writing and blogging during my trip with my two daughters.  However, I did enjoy sitting in my daughter's dorm room and participating in the Twitter session from her computer.
  • I will write narratives for two of the data collections that are only in graph form
  •  I will review the literature review and adjust as needed for the final paper
  • I will begin to write the conclusion
What resources did others share to increase my learning?
  • I learned about screencastomatic from both professors during a Tweet session this week.  I might have to give it a try and see if I can use it.
  • I learned tips on APA style, how to add the title, have an engaging title, and how to make a running head correctly.
  • My PLN helped me re-name and improve my paper title!  

I have found the PLN to be exceedingly valuable.  We have and continue to help each other improve our thinking, question ideas, clarifying ideas that are confusing, and many other supports to improve our learning.  I am wondering if the PLN will be as successful without a host for Twitter sessions, and specific questions for a common goal.

1 comment:

  1. Lenore,
    I finally found the no comments place at the bottom of your blog page to post a comment. Good thing because I wanted to tell you that your week 7 reflection is very good. You did a fantastic job with the layout and reflecting on what actually was accomplished for week 7. Yes, it was a week for tweeting and helping each other with our titles. I learned about Wordle and from fellow classmates. I noticed tagcedo in the images folder and suggested to Jeff that he give it a try. He developed a nice shooting star. It sounds like you have been actively collaborating with others. I imagine the time you spent in San Diego with your two daughters was lovely. Did you feel like a "college student" in the dorm room tweeting? Your daughters probably think their mom is "hip." I am sure there is a more modern term but I am unable to think of it. Thank you for sharing the fun with your classmates. I think you will enjoy using Screencast. It is an awesome tool. I love it because it is easy to restart when you need to complete a retake. I find myself doing this several times...sound funny, laugh, background noise, ect. One recommendation I do have for you is once you have completed the screencast, save it to an mp4 then load it to youtube. I find this works well. There are probably other paths to arrive at posting your casting onto screencast but this method appeared to be trouble-free. I basically made a powerpoint, fit slides into the 15 minute window, had narration typed on a separate sheet of paper to refer to, then began the screencast. I hope this info will be useful for you. Have a wonderful day, Carrollea
